Hello and welcome, fellow cat lover and Purrington Post tribe member!
Come in and nourish your eyes & soul with my vibrant, happy art!
Take a seat and put your feet up, here in the delicious afternoon sun – beside the cat perhaps. I’ll put the kettle on :D
Why are we so drawn to cats, cat art, the lovely rumble of purring kitties, furniture decorated with cat fur, and gardens created for feline family members? Jean Cocteau says it well:
“I love cats because I enjoy my home; and little by little, they become its visible soul.”
~ Jean Cocteau
New here? Here are some happy art blog posts and other links to get you started:
We love and make art of cats around here! Cat Exhibitions. Cat lino prints. And comfort one another when we lose them. Which has been too often lately. This at times may entail a Custom Cat portrait!
Sometimes I interview wonderful humans. Sometimes I make lists – two of my favourites are these lessons learned from a cat. I love technology, but some things work better without it!
Other times I muse about health (including the making of thyroid bold art and the thanking of piggies), Sunshine, women, flowers and courage, bold art and happiness and life, society or the positive side of social media.
Want to hang around here a while with us kindred spirits, lovely Purrington Post friend?
You might like the Tangerine Treasury – sign up for the secret download library & you also get 10% off full price Cat Art Calendars!
Happily, it’s very easy to join the tribe by signing up for the Tangerine Treasury (see below)! Here’s what you get:
- Friends rates on Custom Cat portraits!
- 10% off full price cat Bold Art Calendars! Woot!
- The Tangerine Treasury key, which unlocks my gift to you: a secret library of downloads, including cat and other bookmarks, a cat colouring page, bookplates, a framing leaflet for new art collectors and a love*light*peace phone background!
- Studio eLetters arrive monthly-ish with early bird news from the heart of my studio, the freshest art (the paint is only just dry!) and joie de vivre, plus, each month you get a blog post round up direct to your inBox
- If you include your birthday on the sign-up form, I’ll send you a fun celebratory birthday email. Woohoo!
Happy Art Gifts for You
For your key to the secret downloads library, click this to sign up!
“I absolutely love all of the color and joy in your emails. When I see a new one, I don’t know whether to open it first (Eat dessert first) or leave it for last (Save the best for last). Either way, it’s been a long time since I’ve so enjoyed venturing into a new area.” ~ Barb
Join the merry tribe, bold Purrington Post friend, and I’ll see you soon in your inbox with happy cat art and good vibes direct from the heart of my studio!
Love Meg x o