Arty postcardy freaky week(y)

Dearest Bold Soul,

I hope this finds you immersed in joyful and fascinating things, with a smile on your face and a song in your heart.
Here in Adelaide it feels like the ‘ice’ is slowly melting. Thanks for the music, George…

Here’s what’s been happening besides the ‘coolth’ *slowly* dissipating:

Freak Factor tour comes to Adelaide

My friend, Dave Rendall (the Freak Factor guy) was here in Australia doing a tour for a youth workers network. The photo of us above is us ‘measuring’ ourselves under a kind of anti-shelf (is there a specific word for the ‘opposite of a shelf’?) at the Adelaide Italian Centre, where the presentation was. As you can see, Dave wore his Tangerine Meg tshirt of Black and White Cat in the Garden for his talk :) Dave’s presentation was as articulate, clear and funny as the book; for me as parent it was quite moving, and another useful piece of the puzzle for me as an individual. I highly recommend you read the Freak Factor manifesto or get the book. It’s a concept that once understood is not easily forgotten or dismissed.

I might add that Brene Brown says the number barrier to ‘belonging’ is ‘fitting in’. Note the difference? I’ve had a few breakthroughs recently whilst reading her book too – The Gifts of Imperfection. My understanding of Brene’s work is a good fit with Dave’s … Being *yourself* as much as possible, with all your positives and correlating ‘negatives’, attendant self-awareness, expression, potential for growth & happiness – and quite likely, uncoolness! Oh well, Bold Soul, you and me both would choose life and uniqueness over coolness, right?

Liberate Your Art Postcard Swap

I printed up some of my art onto postcards, and sent them to Kat for her 2012 Liberate your Art postcard swap. Fun! Sometimes it takes a while for mail to get to America, but Kat emailed that they’ve already arrived :) I tried a couple of different online printing companies out for the first time, increasing my understanding of what is on offer. Here’s a graphic of my Rainbow Lady postcard.

I’ll keep you ‘posted’ (haha) when the swap starts and the other swap artists cards begin to arrive in the mail :)

SALA (South Australian Living Artists) Festival

I’m in an exhibition for SALA – that’s the South Australian Living Artists Festival!

It’s actually a group exhibition, called In Your Backyard and it’s at Pepper St Arts Centre, 558 Magill Road, Magill, (South Australia) from 5 – 24 August. The opening (or “Community Launch Event” to be precise) is on Sunday August 5 at 2pm. Want to come? Pepper St do these events well – this one is to include music, and demonstrations of jewellery, printmaking and painting.
I would love to see you there. If you come to the launch *and* wear (ok, or bring) something stripey and I will give you one of my new Tangerine Meg Rainbow Lady postcards as a thank you for bringing your bold self along :) Usual gallery hours (when it’s not a community launch day) are Tuesday to Saturday, 12noon to 5pm.

Be As You As You Can Be :)
Love Meg x o

7 thoughts on “Arty postcardy freaky week(y)”

    1. It was *heaps* of fun, wasn’t it? I’ve been away and only just got back in time to join the Blog Hop. Thanks for saying ‘hi’ :)
      Love Meg x o

  1. So I clicked over to read about being Freaky (since it seems it’s my time) and lo he lives in Raleigh NC – which is only 5 hours from me and hardly and hour from longest friend’s brother who I visit from time to time. It is a very small world!
    Was happy to see my tshirt lady on your postcard. I do dearly love her – she makes me smile!
    Hope your show it grand!

  2. I love your bold color and your rainbow lady Meg! I’m so glad to have you in the swap this year. And I’m going to look into the Freak Factor. Thanks for sharing abou this!

    1. Thank *you* Kat, for organising the swap – it’s good clean (arty postcardy) fun :) Let me know what you think when you have a look at the Freak Factor!

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