Need some down time to recharge your batteries?
Simply sign up for the Tangerine Treasury secret library of downloads >>> to get access to the Al Gore quote coloring page straight away. Download and print out ready for coloring :)
Pour a cup of your favorite tea, and settle down to color this quirky artist coloring page featuring an optimistic Al Gore quote.
We can all use a little reinvigoration from time to time
While you pick colours and gently coax the page to rainbow-filled life, you’ve given yourself a moment to take an intentional step back and re-focus on how you want to spend your day. What’s the energy you really want in your life? Deliberately start getting yourself back on track with a Tea And Coloring pause!
Get back in the flow with gorgeous colour!
Have you noticed when you’re focussed on coloring in a pattern or drawing, it’s kind of meditative, and you feel more centered? Moving that coloured pencil or marker with your hand is very different from tapping on your keyboard or thumb-navigating around your phone. It puts you in the moment, right? When you’re done – or even in the process – that flow state has changed your day for the better…
I’d love to see what colours you choose on this coloring page for adults – post a photo on my Tangerine Meg Visual Artist Facebook wall if you feel to :)
If you’re on my [Tangerine Juice] Studio eLetters mailing list, there’s no need to resubscribe – you already have access to this printable! Simply use the key (code) from your most recent email from me to access the Tangerine Treasury.
Access to the printable Al Gore quote coloring page
Sign up below for the Tangerine Treasury secret download library, and get access immediately to the Al Gore coloring page – along with the entire Tangerine Treasury of downloads (including book marks, a cat coloring page, a framing leaflet and bookplates), plus a monthly-ish, good-vibey Studio eLetter direct to your inbox from the heart of my studio and 10% off art calendars!
#sharethehappy #coloringpagesforadults #optimism
I hope you enjoy drenching this detailed page with colour a-plenty!
Talk soon!
Love Meg x o