4 Things my garden taught me about getting things done

Hi guys,

Have just been working at painting the other 8 prints of the edition of “Tree People” and building my website, and musing upon how I have been going about things. These 4 things I can attribute to learning from the gardening process:

1. Keep planting. The tree I planted last year is bigger this year, and I get to put another tree alongside. It all adds up. Persist. (And put them on the dripper system).

2 . You get more done if you don’t watch TV at the same time. (Especially if you don’t have an outside TV. Mind you if it’s a really great show, you can get a little done in the ad breaks).

3. Be prudent about netting the birds out of the apricots. They might be saving you from the slime-making insects.

4. Save the water from the washing and you will eat raspberries. (We are on Level 3 water restrictions here).

Love Meg

PS Did anyone use the RSS clicker? DO people use them? I have a Mac RSS receiver thingy called Vienna and have been having fun receiving the blogs I have selected. (I subscribed to my own too, to see if it worked. It did!)

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