7 Days of Giveaways – Day 5

The lucky commenter today was Susanna – I’ll email you x o
Like to read about the whole week of fun? Read the retrospective post!

Hey Wonderful You!

Let’s cavort! Today’s the fifth of 7 days of giveaways!

Leave me a comment (theme below) to go in the draw for the fifth giveaway, a mixed pack of 3 “Bold Art for Bold Soul” greeting cards, similar to the above (if you want a particular theme, you could let me know in the comment, too). If we’ve not met before, how did you find me, by the way? I’ll choose the giveaway winner with a random number generator.

I don’t really know if I choose to read alongside my cat/s, or if they choose to come to me, probably a bit of both! Hang on, the cats rule, don’t they? A cosy spot and a purring cat really is a delightful luxury, though, in my book. Todays prompt is:

Tell us about a pet you like to cosy up and read with.

See you in the comments section :)
Love Meg x o


5 thoughts on “7 Days of Giveaways – Day 5”

  1. Oh, sigh…i wish. I miss having a dog to curl up on top of my feet while we sit by the hearth doing our meditation of choice. Him (maybe a her next) snoring softly, chasing small wild furries and me, glass of wine, soft instrumental blues or jazz playing on the Bose, and a wonderful book. Why i’d even let him come up on the couch if the book got so good that it required curling up on the couch with my feet snuggled close to my bum. Thanks for provoking some wonderful memories…and maybe encouraging the Universe to poke me toward a new reading companion…not that my hubby isn’t wonderful…but he doesn’t like it much when i interrupt his reading to read to him…midst sentence!

    1. Thanks for being here, lovelies!
      I have a “fluffy boy” (stripey cat) purring right now on the table between my typing arms!

      Tammy: “She will snuggle you right off the bed” made me laugh! What a sweetie. And don’t worry, if you had scored the giveaway, you could’ve worn the shirt whilst writing sweet greetings to your friends and family :)

      Tory: That sounds so familiar! *Hugs*

      Natalie: Lovely to ‘see’ you here, my Facebook friend! That sounds like a relationship that brings a lot of contentment for both of you.

      Susanna: Warm and wonderful times!

      The giveaway is going to Susanna! Thanks for joining in dear ones. You are totally welcome to play again on Day 6!

  2. I’ve got 3 feline furbabies, but Ziggy-Pig, a massive rescued white ragdoll male is my reading buddy. He sits with me on the sofa of an evening, and if I get too engrossed in my book he’ll stretch out his paw and pat me on the face till I start stroking him again.

  3. Not much cat cuddling for me these days…. My two don’t have much interest in me at the moment as I constantly have a noisy, sticky, unbelieveably energetic child or 2 following close behind me. They take refuge in quiet, sunny spots during the day and prefer the company of my hubby at night time now.

  4. I feel like I should give someone else a chance to win since I got that wonderful shirt!
    But cuddling up to animals? I have to (rescued) pugs. They sleep with me and hubby. The littlest one is SUCH a snuggler. She will snuggle you right off the bed. It mandatory that she be stretched out against my (hotflashing) back all summer long. Mostly during the day they are content to tag along into whatever room I happen to be in (I move around A LOT). When I’m feeling lonesome there’s nothing like burying my face in the soft side of a handy pug. The best!

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