Love Create Play

Hello Bold Soul,

Hope this finds you with your beautiful heart full of sunshine!

In this post I want to record my intentions for 2012, despite the fact that not only is it March, but my plans have already changed twice this year! I may have been overthinking this. No more. The ‘overthought verbosity’ is now deleted to make way for simplicity and accuracy.

Here I am beginning again. Hello! This year, I want to:

  1. have fun with you, bold soul,
  2. connect with more bold souls, and
  3. make bold art.

Now, that sounds much more do-able than the first draft! Here are the specific things I would like to do this year in this blog/site/biz:

  1. Giveaways! They’re such fun! Remember the 7 Days of Giveaways bookmark one, the Tshirt one and the other Mothers Day one? The 2012 Mother’s Day Giveaway is coming very soon! A mother is often the very embodiment of a Bold Soul, dontcha think?
  2. If you’ve been piecing the story together from my meanderings, you’ll know that I was fully intending to introduce Custom Cat portraits this year, as an always available service. Right now, I feel strongly to not offer them that way. I’m very busy, and when I offer Custom Cats they will be done with care, more care, and time to spare. As I prepare this post, I am wondering if it might work beautifully offering Custom Cats for specific periods, blocks when I know I will have plenty of time. If you want to know when I am offering a limited number of Custom Cats portraits, please join my mailing list! The gorgeous mailing list people will be alerted first!
  3. Keep in touch by posting everyday on Facebook and posting blog posts on Tuesdays. I promise that I will do my best! Haha, rather ironic that this one is going to be posted on a Wednesday! Oh well!
  4. I so want to do Bold Interviews! Interviews, sometimes of people who aren’t even on the web, fancy that! There are stories I want to record, and share. Need to figure out a few logistics first… and make time!
  5. I’m considering audio content in posts? And why not combine #5 with #4? …Audio interviews! Fun!
    I find I do have the technology to make audios. What kind of content would you like to hear from me? Crazy poems? Live Bold Lists, read aloud? Bold stories? Bold Interviews? Rambly, random chats? Painting and lino print commentaries?
    Cats meowing boldly? Haha!

And two for the future:

  1. A few lovely bold souls have suggested they’d like me to teach bold art. You’d barely believe how much I think about how to make that work!
  2. Bold art fabric, and items made therefrom! Spoonflower makes custom cloth in lengths. I envisage Tangerine Meg Bold Art scarves and happy pants and more! How exciting does that sound? Eep!

Those 2 major things will be percolating in my bold brain, but I suspect with the amount of busy I am with other work, that they may not come to fruition this year. Hey, back-brain percolating is a great precursor for getting interesting things done :)

Though it was quite a process, It’s been really great writing this because I actually had to back up a few steps and figure out what I really want to do, to put where I’m coming from into words!

Let me know if you think of other things that would be fun to do together, centred around bold life, bold souls and bold art!

Lots of love to you for a bright and joyous week,
Meg x o :)

1 thought on “Love Create Play”

  1. Pingback: Bold Interview #1 | Tangerine Meg

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