InSpiring Spring Blossom Thing

Dearest Bold Soul,

I hope this finds you revelling, rebelling, rejoicing, basking, appreciating. I am enjoying sunshine and cat proximity!

I think I probably do a post like this every year. I just never get sick of Spring. The wonderful blossom after the Wintery grey brings such hope with the warmth, don’t you think?

Here are some flower shots from my garden that I hope you enjoy, whether you’re Springing or Autumn/Falling!

Apricot blossom 1 – The Early Apricot

Isn’t it delicate? I am amazed at the quality of small un-fancy digital cameras these days – you can even see a little droplet on the petal. The out of focus green background is a cool accident!

Violet and heart-shaped leaf

My violet painting, Violets From Judy, is here (and for some reason it’s in my Off Cuts and One Offs quality clearance page, so get it before I change my mind). This photo shows a paler violet from my own garden.

Nasturtium 1

Love the running-paint-like, sunny colouring on this one :)

Plum blossom

Gosh if this bees successfully pollinate every one of these flowers the branches will surely break from the weight of the plums, there are *so* many! I think we’ll have to gently bump some off the branches (the birds will help us, I’m sure). I feel lucky that we’re blessed with plenty of bees! Do you have bees a-plenty, too, Bold Soul?

‘The Other’ apricot blossom

I like the patterns on this branch and the lovely red bud cover thingys.

Nasturtium 2

How great is the colour of this one? I guess it would be called a scarlet? So zingy against the green of the leaves! :)

Don’t you think those Super Tall photos and pictures on Pinterest are great? That is what I was thinking of when I cropped this photo! ^^^ Haha! Sorry about the extra scrolling required! ;P

Want to join my mailing list?  ‘Cos the next eNews will have a small peek inside my office/studio this Spring, as well as the progress of the lino print edition I just finished!

Much blossomy love,
Meg x o


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