Hello Lovely!
I hope this finds you radiant, energetic, bathed in rainbow light…

I myself am delighting in the afternoon sunshine streaming in the windows, hearing wind chimes chiming in the gusty weather, and happily being productive beside Orange Cat (sleeping). Here he is, sleeping – another day – on a brilliant knitted blanket:contentThis is my 378th published post! Hoorah! I want to celebrate that, and draw your attention to a few good ones from the ‘slightly damp box in the garage’ section of WordPress. Whether you’ve just arrived (hellooooo!) or been on this curious journey for a while: Thank you-ou-ou! :D

This post then, dearly beloved, is the blogging equivalent of a clip show, on say, Castle – that is, a good one! Can you believe the code with which they diffused the bomb was the abbreviation of the child’s name? And just at the last minute! Oh, the adrenaline squirtage!

Let’s amble down memory lane together, shall we?

Do you remember when (we used to sit) …

  • My Number 1 son left home?
  • I wrote about the flowery personalised way I enjoy my bicycle? Still one of my favourite posts!
  • I did a self-portraiture course online with Vivienne McMasters, thus adding a new string to my bow. Subsequently I took a lot of digital photos. I only posted ones I liked! Here’s a series with Winter hats on
  • I made an animation for an Adelaide night walk small film festival and had it projected on a wall; in between choosing the wall and the screening evening a shiny silver self-cleaning toilet block had been built in the optimal projection spot? I believe I still need to figure out how to upload that to YouTube!
  • I posted this sad one: Stripey Cat suddenly died
  • I combine my own words or those of someone else, with my artwork. On this one, the writer himself – along with his cousin – had something to say, and absolutely made my day
  • I posted this last year, around the time that’s fast approaching again: the busy market season
  • I did a course with Catherine Caine… and did that week-long giveaway and made new friends and had a bunch of fun!
  • I had a rant. The way things are developing, more will ensue
  • I posted this Juice of Gratitude list. I do enjoy the occasional list post :D
  • I wrote this Love letter to my watercolour paints
  • I got a lovely surprise that my lino print got used as the image on promotional materials for an exhibition I was in
  • I wrote a kind of a manifesto; a list of tips, at least :D
  • I wrote this one wherein I realise that I have evolved and also like dressing up? One of the pics is missing and it’s super close to the bone. Probably all the more reason to air it, right?

I won’t be compulsively comprehensive, here. As we go along I’ll link back to some of the others via Facebook and Twitter, etc, when I have a busy week October, as I’m anticipating I will! If you find an old post that you like, and the pictures are missing… feel free to email me and I’ll dig them up again!

In other business…

Go avail yourself of the Bold Art free downloadables! There are Bookmarks, bookplates, and eLeaflets. Prego!
Coming soon: Fun books, including recipes for people with other-than-mainstream-food tolerating intestines. Will be great for when you have friends come over who are on gluten free, or dairy free, or sugar free, or low FODMAPs or something else unfamiliar to you… you can confidently say you can make something for them to eat! Won’t that be nice?
You can purchase my artwork in the Bold Art Emporium, this helps keep food on the table and pay for gas and water supply, and is thus very appreciated! Now’s a great time to pick up a bunch of cards, prints and calendars ready for Christmas!

Have a glorious, breath and light-filled week, lovely!
Meg x o

4 thoughts on “378”

  1. I just want to say, I love your Rainbow Woman. She’s built like a woman. Hips and everything!

    I will check out other entries in your blog. I’m with you on the Rants I’m afraid; in the US the politicians are going completely wacko.

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