Goodness, I’m nearly up to picture 15 of my 100 Pictures Project, so let’s gather up pictures 6 to 10, right here, right now … :)
Click the composite image below to check out the full version of all the pictures… In order from left to right, top to bottom, we have:
- A still life: *Succulent, Geranium and Honeymoon Fabric*, the plants from which are steadfastly looking just as good in the vase on my table even today,
- *Faithful Heart* – love and strength and what’s important (love) + the 4 AP (Artist Proof) print women are in all different skin tones,
- *Welcome cat – the lino print* is also in 4 colour schemes,
- *After Autumn Rain* (groovy inner child boot walk with chicken) [The chooks are different colours too!]
- Found a great quote to put on the gallery shop page with rainbow cat, then decided to go ahead and illustrate it.. I like that the quote gives something to ponder while I draw – as can you while you colour. It’s a bit more poetic than good old Churchill’s quote, right? Click the pic below for a downloadable of the colouring page / quote available in my shop now (as are all the pics).
Here’s a version without the header writing over it! See them all – maybe even get one for yourself! – at the 100 Pictures Project in my online gallery shop. In fact you’ll see all the way to 16 there ‘cos I’m scrambling to keep my blog up with art progress!
Haha, I imagine I’d’ve got to 10 pictures sooner if I didn’t quadruple the work it took on the three lino prints! Oh well, I like that there are a mixture of different mediums :) As a collection of 10 themes the threads will flow through the various methods.
Talking about the themes, this is how my *100 Pictures Project* chart is looking:
[Like the little Kyeli quote tucked in there?]
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Along with putting time into art-making, I’ve been thinking about forgiving and yet also keeping eyes open. Life has a lot of limbo-ey phases, hasn’t it?
Talk soon,
Love Meg x o
PS Click the picture or this text link to check out availability in my online gallery shop if you’d like to buy an original work of (bold) art on paper! Fun! [Works on paper rock – I may elaborate on that thought in an upcoming post!]
PS2 The April Print of the Month … click this to take a closer look at *Early Figs in blue and white bowl*…