… Cautionary and inspiring tales from the dusty front line of Accumulated Stuff. And how a self portrait photography course helped me clean up my act!
We moved into our new house – #ecodreamhome – around a year ago, and after many waves of releasing belongings, Tangerine Man and I are doing our (hopefully) final round of Discern and Release! Hoorah!
Some call it decluttering. I don’t like the word ‘declutter’ even though I know everyone gets what it means.
How about de-fragging?
You know when your computer defragments, it sorts and re-files scattered fragments of information leaving free space to think and do? That’s what we need to do to our belongings!
The computer takes ages to de-frag.
So do we.
‘Defrag’ is a great name for this process, don’tcha think?
What I’ve learned from culling the combined treasures of 2 collectors
- Forget about sunk costs! [Crikey, the collections we’ve let go!… Magazines, toys, education notes, clothing] … I dare not calculate the original cost of acquisition!
- If you’ve lived for 1 or more years without touching an item, ya probably don’t need it. Except your skates, you’ll always be glad you have your skates.
- Many of the things which haven’t been touched can be useful / enjoyable for someone else. I found that an encouraging thought, particularly with clothes that are no longer suitable for whatever reason.
- You don’t need as much as you think you will. Or, the things you think you will … a good reason to take your sweet sweet time about this!
- Tangerine Man sees there’s more usable space. I look around and am amazed at the high percentage of usable objects right now… And, the other side is we know where to find what we need (see point 6).
- All the pins and needles are in one spot. All the bandaids are in one spot. All the fabric is in one spot. All the dresses… This is a revelation to me. I’ve become used to looking, sorting, searching, not finding the right version…Â One goal was to have a place for everything and everything in its place, and we’re genuinely getting there…
- Without consciously planning to, I’ve all but stopped watching renovation and house flipping shows. Interesting. They were my comfort food for a while there! I don’t know why I’m hardly drawn to them any more. Pretty sure I still like them, though my current
realityset up show is the Queer Eye re-boot, which makes me so happy that I’ve decided to watch one a week (rather than binge watching) like in the olde days, and take the in between week to enjoy anticipating the next episode. Hope they make some more soon :) - Have a pause (of days even) between car loads of op (thrift) shop drop offs. It takes a day or so to re-set after the off lift! No hurry. Settle in with with the space and changes you’ve made, then go again.
It’s been a matter of re-grouping things in the same category, cleaning, deleting. It’s so fresh to look around and feel that your space clearly tells your story… How did a photography course help? Read on…
Self Portrait photography course helped me clean up my story
I did one or several of Vivienne McMaster’s online photographic self portrait courses. I assure you they’re not at all about a self portrait with perfect skin and a selfie stick at a famous concert. Vivienne is such a beautiful teacher of knowing and looking at yourself with kindness.
Ever since first learning of photographic self story telling, I’ve wanted less messy/distracting options for backgrounds in my real space, which has been a motivator to get my rooms cleared to the point of being true and beautiful backdrops. [Implementation has taken a while!]
Sometimes maligned as ‘selfies’ or narcissistic, photographic self portraits are a valid way to include yourself in your own story. I recommend you do any course with Vivienne McMaster for gentle ways to beautifully evolve your relationship with yourself in photos.
[Later: I realise I may have given the wrong impression here. We haven’t moved house so I have clean photo backgrounds – there were loads of reasons it was right for us – and Vivienne McMaster encourages getting yourself into your story now whatever is alongside you … I meant, that looking more at self portraiture had me thinking … well how am I living? Do I like it? (It was messy with 2 kids and 1 adult at the time, I can tell you) What do I really want? What is my story? Considering surroundings to be part of that, and letting it help me to recalibrate was motivating for me as a visual person. Does that make sense?]
Home de-fragging, pro tip:
You don’t have to move house to clear things, you can shift a piece of furniture! You still want to: sweep where it’s taken from, sort what was on/in/under it and release as needed, decide where it’s going. Sweep the new space. Choose what goes back in/on/under! Â What wants to be binned/recycled, what is moving forward with you?
Have you a history or story with de-fragging? I’d love to hear! ‘Specially encouraging/success stories, or, even stories about when a re-frame made a difference.
Talk soon,
Love Meg x o
PS Check out my Happy Home pinterest board, if you’re interested in my home inspirations. Maybe one day – when the pictures are hung – I’ll post some pics of our house somewhere on line!
PS2 If you want my freshly picked blog posts to arrive in your inbox each month, simply sign up for my blog round up, the bonus is you also get Studio eLetters and the Tangerine Treasury!
PS3 You can still get calendars... They’re $25. From 400 printed there are just 26 left on hand as we speak… 20 Bold Women. 5 Cats. 1 Still Lifes.