Fringe Parade Tomorrow

Hi there dear and wonderful readers!

Good work Seth Godin on your 3000th blog post, yes that is Three Thousand. I am here at 100-ish, in awe.

I believe I have kept you up to date with my not-quite-good-enough-for-the-Fringe-Parade stilt-walking. Well, I have an opportunity to go in the Parade (tomorrow evening) walking on my own stable legs:

For this I get to dress up as a punk!
I have had my hair cut, I will take purple hair spray. Will apply fake tattoos, tonight I think. I have big borrowed bovver boots. I have tights and distressed denim, and tons of safety pins. I purchased, cut and safety-pinned some great op shop finds – a t-shirt and a vest. I hired some studded bands for wrist and neck. I bought some really awful plastic fake-piercing rings, I don’t think I’ll bother about using those.

If I don’t get nervous about the crowd it should be good fun. I might even bring you pictures.
Afterwards there will be bands and things, as it’s the OPENING OF THE 2009 ADELAIDE FRINGE FESTIVAL. Hooray!

So I must keep it short, and away and organise all the things I need to take to make my transformation in the bathroom after work.

Take care of yourselves in all ways,

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