Hello warmhearted bold soul,
I hope this finds you well &/or healing and happy &/or deciding how to change things for the better.
I am back from a 10-day change of scenery, and will show you photos when they’ve been extracted from my camera. For today, I offer for your enjoyment a feline blast from the “vault”.Sometimes the watercolour paints run together in an almost precisely imprecisely cat-fur kind of way, a way you can neither plan nor draw, and certainly that would be a challenge to carve into lino. I think this is one of those times.
Can I ask you a favour? If you see one of these “vault treasures” that you think would make a particularly good greeting card, could you let me know? I think that single pear (from last post) could be a encouraging image for solo parents – did you think that too?
Wishing you green and purple magic sparkles. Or sparkling magicals :)
Much love,
Tangerine Meg x o
Awesome! :-)
Looking forward to this kitteh joining the ranks of the carded, so to speak. :-D
And yes, it worked wondrous well! :-)
Got the notification in my e-mail all nice & neat. :-)
So will you be sharing your other kitteh with the world as well? :-)
M. Nutmeg, I think you said? :>
I love the furr texture! :-)
That is a Most Kyool happening.
A card would be loverly.
So would fabric. :-)
Would the furr come out well in print, do you think?
How has the progress been? :-)
Saw in the comments in your last post that you’ve been busy, busy, busy! :-)
Must have that Beauty chat when you have a spare or several. :-)
We were just starting to touch on some very powerful things the other day. :-)
Have an Awesome! :-)
Hey Birdy :)
Thanks for your encouraging feedback!
I am confident that the printing process is precise and the fur will come out very well. I will get a couple done as a test run, to be quite sure, and let you know how they look.
Yes, I am super busy, organising things for the Port Market stall, which is in about 2 weeks – eep!
I’ll send you an email about our Beauty convo, and we can make another time to Skype.
This reply will be a good test of the new ‘subscribe to comments’ facility!
Love Meg x o