Dearest Bold Soul,
I hope you’ve had a good start to your day and have small sweet things to look forward to :) The phrase “Small sweet things” reminds me of in-season strawberries, ladybirds wings and tiny bows on tiny gifts!I’m joining in with gorgeous Liv Lane’s Little Bliss List Link Party! Warm greetings if that’s where you’ve clicked through from! I’ll put the virtual kettle on :) I think it’s a wonderful idea to recognise the things that lift us and be grateful for them. Cheering each other on is a joy too, dontcha think?
Live Bold List 26: A Bold Little List of Bliss
- My 18-year-old son told me a story: If you are instructed to look around the room for blue items so you can remember them when you close your eyes, but instead once your eyes are shut you’re asked to name red things, it will be somewhat difficult as you were seeking and memorising blue things. It doesn’t mean there were no red things in the room, you just weren’t looking for them. He told me that what you look for is what you will see. Likewise, if we look for joy and positives that is what we’ll see and experience. So pleased to know he gets that concept! By the way, I did not tell him that story. *Big smile – happy mum moment *
- Loving my happy mojo postcard messages that I look at every day: The three messages are “I’m Possible – one little apostrophe separates Impossible from I’m Possible”, Revel without a Cause and “This now is it. This. Your deepest need and desire is satisfied by the moment’s energy here in your hand.” from Rumi. The very cool artwork on all three is from Angi and Silas. ‘Scuse all my cables!
- I’m learning plenty about myself while
declutteringthrowing old crap out! I’m uncovering New Me by discarding Old Me’s old course notes and other papers. They’re from courses she (I) gained a lot from, and those learnings have now become a part of Current Me’s skill pallette. The dusty folders full of papers, though, are going! How freeing :) - Shredding party! (see 3) Bye bye old bank statements and long outdated paperwork! Need to go and tip another batch into the Recycling.
- Maybe, just maybe I have at last pinpointed a Word of the year! Or a phrase, or a song! …Or possibly one of each :P The more I try to pin it down though, the more it seems to want to evolve into something else. That needs its own blog post!
Like in that story from #1, I’m going to keep making an effort to look for the red (joyful) things. Will you share a little joyful moment of your week in the comments section below, Bold Soul?
Have a beautiful week,
Love Meg x o