“Girl Welcoming Rain” Lino Print and Other Objects

Dear Bold Soul,

I wish it weren’t so classically ‘boring’ to talk about the weather! We are all impacted by it every day, and if we don’t get our collective selves sorted out climate change is going to change everything!

Objects imprinted with artwork from lino print by Tangerine Meg, including a bag, a phone case and a tshirt.

“Girl Welcoming Rain” limited edition lino print

One long, hot day, in the middle of a drought-ravaged summer, I closed my eyes and dreamed of dancing through the rain, receiving its life-giving goodness drop by drop. Express your gratitude with this exuberant rain dance scene … gardeners especially appreciate the sentiment! (Credit to @beclei for saying this better than I could say with words myself <3 )

Click the picture below or this link > Girl Welcoming Rain limited edition Lino Print < to buy this print for yourself. There are still some originals available, along with digital prints and greeting cards! #appreciation #gratitude #gardener

Lino Print art of girl in a spotty orange dress and stripy tights, welcoming rain drops from a heavenly cloudy sky. Black lino print outlines, hand-coloured with bright, vibrant watercolour paints.

Lino print art on Not Lino objects

I’m having lots of fun adapting pictures – in this case the above lino print – to make cute objects!
It took a while to upload large, print-quality files, so I did this over a few days. When I started the process, red bubble didn’t offer skirts, by the time I’d finished… there were skirts!

Which meant: It’s now possible to fully dress up as Rain Girl! And: pose for a photo (selfie or otherwise) if wished!

This makes me happy… Art imitates Life. Life imitates Art! (Just between you and me: Life and Art are not separate, are they?)

Rain Girl Lino Print artwork on other objects, like bags, phone cases, clothing and mugs.What do you think, dearheart?

Have a wonderful week!
Talk soon,
Love Meg x o


PS The Bold Art for Bold Causes portion of art sales is going to Nepal earthquake aid on art purchases from my website (not from Red Bubble).

PS2 Second to last post from my Birthday Bold Art Project “coming soon” :)

PS3 Click the grouped objects (second big image) to check out the “Girl Welcoming Rain” stuff at my red bubble page.

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