Bold Art Workshop, February 2016

three bold art workshop students display their colourful beautiful creations over laid with header text

It was a very warm day at Flinders St Market, in the centre of Adelaide, South Australia. We barely noticed as we drew and painted our own dreamy dream soul unique pictures. Here’s some of the story, in pictures…

Here’s the bold art workshop area set up and waiting for the announced starting time… I’d not taught in the Flinders St Market shed before, it makes a wild and interesting backdrop doesn’t it? (And has surprisingly lovely natural light) :D

trestle tables set up for art workshop in the big shed at flinders street market

Ready! #selfieatboldartworkshop

Tangerine Meg photographic self portrait ready and set up for art workshop Feb 2016

For some reason there aren’t any pics of my doing my painting demonstration – I think there was a hurried errand to fetch a fab camera – so we’ll have to skip that bit. Here are the workshop participants beginning their marker pen drawing…

Students make a mindful start to their artwork

… and continuing with paint.

happy art students concentrating on their artwork in progress

What a relaxing afternoon!  Escaping into the ‘art zone’, with Tangerine Meg’s expert demonstration and guidance we all created our own unique art.  Great ’therapy’, really enjoyed it and learnt some new skills too!”
~ Karen, Adelaide, SA

A colourful tablescape :)

photographic view along the happily cluttered table at art workshop, showing water pots, drinking water, students work and paints, looking along to the leader

This is my friend Priscilla, who (like me) often has a stall at Flinders St Market (Adelaide, Australia), with her steam punk creations. She also sells them here in her etsy shop. (Check it out!)

Priscilla and her artwork in progress

Look at that colour – yum! Happy art makers:

Karen Jodie Jane and their dream soul pictures

I feel as though I made 5 new friends!  #kindredspirits

Meg and Olga_crop

Radiant paintings. Radiant women. :D

Jenny and her dream soul picture

I’ve never been to an art workshop before so it was a new experience for me. I was pleased with what I achieved and it was a fun and enjoyable afternoon.”
~ Jenni

I’m so impressed and proud of these bold art workshop participants and their beautiful creations!

I hope you enjoyed this pictorial round up of our art workshop afternoon. More bold art workshop dates will be announced as soon as a couple of other things are firmly scheduled.

Sign up for my mailing list if you want to hear first when new workshop dates and topics are announced.

Love Meg x o

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