Bold Soul celebration & calendar giveaway

[Update: this giveaway is now over and I’m going to contact the winners by email. Thanks for being here! There will likely be another giveaway soon! Woot!]

Who will you acknowledge as a Bold Soul?

Who do you want to celebrate and encourage?

Who will you compliment?

Who would you go in a draw to win a 2018 bold art calendar for? Read on… :D

tall format meme, with white hand-lettered writing on orange graded background. It reads: There are many wonderful people on this earth and you are one of them.

Bol Soul, I see you …

You’re committed to supporting friends in their bold uniqueness. You delight in and celebrate kindred spirits’ quirks and awesomeness, their OC tendencies and their goodness.

Remember we talked about some other ways to know if you are a bold soul, here? Do you know someone with one or more of those qualities?

Would you like to give them some recognition?

I have a couple of options to cheer them on …

  • … enter this giveaway (see instructions below) and get a 2018 bold art calendar for them! Or,
  • … go to my facebook or Pinterest and share the image to them from my posts (I’ll put them up as soon as this blog post is ‘live’)

#itsamovement #boldsoulrecognition #calendargiveaway

What’s going on?

I ordered too many 2018 bold art calendars. Most have gone to good homes already, and there are a few left…  I’d love to for some #kindredspirits to enjoy them and I’d love to hear about someone you admire! Plus, I haven’t played around with a giveaway for bloody ages – let’s now!

Let’s get bold.

And complimentary.

Think of a friend who’s Bold Soul-ness you’d like to acknowledge and encourage.

You sometimes get a ‘What? Am I invisible?’ vibe when out and about … Shhhh, it’s our superpower, luckily …

… the important thing is we’re visible to each other :)


Giveaway Details

To go in the draw for a 2018 bold art calendar for a friend or admired person, leave a comment in the comments section below, including:

  1. Firstly, Why you’re a bold soul! This will make your entry valid – no light hiding under any bushels, dearheart! And,
  2. Nominate a bold friend: tell us, why do you think they’re bold? Please tell the story in your comment. Along with why they’d get a kick out of a bold art calendar.
    [You can nominate them as ‘bold’ for any reason: their work in their particular field, strength in adversity, a personal quality, an action, mindset, project or something else.]

Winners of the giveaway will be decided at my & the Tangerine Dream Team’s discretion on May the 4th. [Oh cool, Star Wars day :) ] Winners will be notified via email. There are remaining just 1 cat calendar, 2 still life and 12 bold women calendars. The calendar will be the giveaway, you’ll just need to cover pack and shipping. Sound good?

Join the groundswell!

#kindredspirit, let’s acknowledge ourselves and recognise each other. Let’s percolate up and make society’s fabric awesome. (It may smell like a coffee shop.)

So, to recap: comment below with your own and a friend’s awesome-ness (getting some clues from the You Know You’re A Bold Soul When… blog post if you like). I look forward to hearing all about them. #sharesomelove

Love Meg x o


PS Want to see my Pinterest boards on a similar inspiring theme? Try clicking these: Bold Souls, Older + Bolder, and Bold Women. Hope they make you happy, too!

PS 2 I’ll also put the tall image on Pinterest and the wide version on Facebook, to share along onto Bold Souls…

hand lettering on a graded orange background, with extra colour in the words “wonderful” and “you”. It reads: There are many wonderful people on this earth, and you are one of them.






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