Shout outs of Sweetness – June 2018

Less shouty and more sweetie – that’ll be more effective, right?

In between making pictures for my 100 Pictures Project, I’ve been trying to make time to read, potter in the kitchen and keep fit jogging or walking. Here are a few of the big ideas that I’ve come across these past couple of weeks. Maybe a couple will intrigue you, too.

From library books:

The 5 Love Languages Gary Chapman – I’ve no doubt that understanding the concept/s in this book could save a relationship! Have you read it? Does it ring true for you?

The Last Safe Investment – Bryan Franklin and Michael Ellsberg. This is interesting to me … they don’t seem like they’re saying anything too different to other get-your-shiz-together-make-money books… and I can’t in retrospect pinpoint quite why, but by the end my brain was working differently.

The God of Small Things – Arundhati Roy I’ve started this and it’s engaging and well written but I’m a little scared to continue reading, ‘cos it feels like a very personalised-to-the-characters doom is looming. I’m conflicted! Perhaps not the book to immerse myself in immediately before settling down to sleep…?

RetroSuburbia by David Holmgren. One of the co-creators of Permaculture has written a comprehensive, updated guide to retrofitting the suburbs (as the place where the bulk of us live and can make a difference). I go to bed with hope after reading the Aussie Street parable/model.

Great thoughts I’ve heard via podcast

Todd Sampson on Osher Gunsberg podcast. Before listening to this, I was ambivalent about Todd’s new Body Hack series (coming up on Australian TV) but now I’m intrigued to watch it. Looking forward to hearing Todd interview Osher too!

Em Rusciano on Wil Anderson’s podcast Wilosophy I feel like she’s one of us, though possibly even a little extra fabulous :)

How amazing are my friends?

If you’re in any way near Willunga on the beautiful Fleurieu Peninsula, South Australia, Airlie from Willunga Podiatry is who you want looking after your foot health.

Yaisa (remember we ran that Vision Board workshop together last year?)’s friend, Siobhan (I assume a kindred spirit we haven’t met yet) is fighting breast cancer. Later this year Yaisa is shaving her hair in solidarity and while she’s at it, for fundraising. << Click that link to help Yaisa raise money, so at least Siobhan doesn’t have that to worry while she’s going through treatment. If you aren’t able to contribute right now, could you share the GoFundMe link around?

Shawna from Sacred Centre is raising-money-for-charity to get on a reality TV show to raise money for charity! She’ll be so great :) Adelaide friends: if you can’t get to the fund-raising Ocean’s 8 movie screening this Friday at Noarlunga, bid on the auction or add to the GoFundMe, would you pass the info on to a friend? It would be so great to help Shawna sell out the whole cinema! [Ha, just watched Ocean’s 11 last night on free TV and can’t wait to see the female cast kick arse and outsmart everybody!] This one is time sensitive, so if you’ve only time for one task, booking a ticket or sharing this would be the one. Thank you in advance! Mwah!

By the way

There’s a bit of behind the scenes catching up to do to make sure my website, eNews, and  list of addresses are compliant with the European Privacy laws. Need some extra mental bandwidth – and time – to get my head around it all right now though!

Wonderful news, soon

Stay tuned for wonderful news, in a sweet blog post coming soon…

Have a wonderful week!
Meg x o


PS Click the photo at top to see all four colour schemes of my recent Welcome Cat lino print, and make one your own if you like bright, affordable, fresh cat artworks on paper – for your home or sweet sweet gifts!

PS2 Did you know my our 10% contributions to a cause (TPRF) efforts quietly surpassed $5,000 just a few weeks ago? Woot – go us! Thank you!

PS3 If you like reading my blog posts and would love them in your inbox each month, subscribe to my eNews and get not only the blog posts, but also monthly art love eNews direct from my studio and all the bold happy freebies.

PS4 This is, in essence, an un-numbered listicle. Which is ok.









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