Wonderful mews I mean news!

black cat on a red book shelf

If you can see the picture, you may’ve guessed… love in the shape of a cat has come into our family – a rescue cat as black as ink with salt sprinkled on him.

Here is some (prophetic perhaps?) black-cat-in-garden art I made some time ago …

black cat amongst nasturtiums artwork by Tangerine Meg


Was it the right time?

I’m gonna say “yes”. I think we chose each other that evening.

And, that I’m proud of myself and Tangerine Man (husband) for intermittently, slowly – over a period of months! – having a drawn out conversation after Captain Whitepaws left via the rainbow elevator.

We didn’t want to quickly.get another.pet and try to stop feeling sadness from losing two old man orange cats in two years. Also, we were soon to move house, and we didn’t want to put that chaos upon a new kitty!

We’d gone via “…yes, again, sometime,” through “…soon…” and “We’ll know when it’s right”.

And now it is.

lino print of woman in a heart patterned dress joyfully riding on a black cat amongst and flower and butterfly studded garden

Welcome, Mr. Inky!

Mr. Inky’s coat is like velvet at night – your eyes disappear into him like a void! His eyes, blink blink back at you from his silhouette.

We’re knowing each other better every day, getting settled in together beautifully and it’s still very new.

I love that Mr. Inky slows my/our life down to a sit-on-lap-and-purr pace. Purring is such a universal sound/vibration that represents (and brings) quality of life.






We hope to have many loving years of keeping each other company.

Talk soon, bold soul!
Love Meg x o :)



PS Click these >> links if you’d like to check out my Pinterest boards of Cat Art and Bold Women and Cats :)

PS2 Click this to see my Cat Art! There’ll be even more black cats in there moving forwards :D

1 thought on “Wonderful mews I mean news!”

  1. Pingback: Live Bold List 50: 6 Reasons I make lino prints of Bold Women - Tangerine Meg

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