Crikey, we’re up to picture 60 of my 100 Pictures Project! Hope you like my hand-lettered interpretation of this pithy Brené Brown quote!
Don’t let go of you!
“What’s the greater risk?
Letting go of what people think – or
letting go of how I feel what I believe and who I am?”
~ Brené Brown.
Great question, Brené Brown – or, as I call her queen Brené! The risk looks to be much greater if we let go of ourselves, right? So important! Might I also recommend Brené’s podcast, Unlocking Us? Full of insight, compassion and warmth. Have you listened?
A Perfectly Reasonable request
The people-descended-from-people-who-lived-on-this-land when colonialism dropped it’s destructive possessive self in (embarrassedly the latter would be my ancestors) are not making a big or unreasonable ask with their Statement from the Heart! It would be entirely reasonable to say “Get out of here, now!” or “Do things our way”, but they’re simply requesting a voice to be heard in the (Brought In) Leadership system! Sounds gracious, patient and restorative. How about we walk together as allies?
This quote (found via Sonya Renee Taylor) seems relevant now, too…
“If you have come to help me, you are wasting your time.
If you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then
let us work together.”
~ Lilla Watson
Food for thought
Have you read The Body is not an Apology by Sonya Renee Taylor? So. Good. So much to think about and unpack. I started re-reading with the intention of addressing the self-reflections instead of powering on through. [It’s very popular and I returned it to the library, mid re-read. and will await my turn again!]
Gosh, I’m grateful for libraries! Most of the books I’ve read lately have been borrowed from our state library service. Do you love libraries, or are you a book buyer? Or a hybrid who just loves to read, wherever the book is from? Do you have en e-book-reader? Do you like it?
Be well. Stay well.
Love and Peace,
Meg :)
PS Want my All Welcome Here message art colouring page and poster? Click this to read more and sign up for the [Tangerine Juice] eNewsletters and get the sweet freebies today!
PS2 Worth a look: video and info for today, September 21, which is the International Day of Peace. Join me as a voice for peace, by sharing the URL and video, too!