Work in Progress: *Succulent, Geranium and Honeymoon Fabric* watercolour painting

I breezed past this pidture back when I started my #100PicturesProject back in 2018. This shows you the steps a little more closely that went into creating this painting …

For our honeymoon in 2009, my new husband and I visited amazing Borneo at the recommendation of a friend. It was tropical, humid [hello heat fungus on my fingers]  and we saw elephants and orang-utans in reserves, rode horses and parachute kite thingies over the ocean. We brought back gorgeous fabrics and one of them features in this still life…

For this picture, I combined a succulent plant and a geranium remaining from an arrangement from Harvest Studio, a vase and a little lidded something together and the ‘honeymoon fabric’ became the background.

I started with a loose light pencil line, then launched in with my pen and ink. Here’s a glimpse at the start of the ink work. You may just be able to see the pencil line.

Here’s a peek at the whole drawing.

Here’s the start of adding the colour. [Sidenote: Did you know this picture is number 6 in my #100PicturesProject? And I’m now up to #79!]

And more and more colour… how glorious are the colours of this fabric! Such a lesson from an artisan in a different genre.

This one of a kind watercolour painting has recently gone to a good home, purchased from my *Plenty Twenty* SALA exhibition.

Be well!
Speak soon,
Love Meg x o


PS There are plenty of 2021 Garden Cats and Flower+Food calendars! Get yours here.

PS2 If you want to hear first about the 2021 Drawing and Painting schedule, sign up for my eNews, here. We’re pretty much booked up for the rest of this year.


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