Link Love October 2020

How are you doing? Lots of the things I’m reading, watching, hearing seem to be nudging me in a similar direction right now. You too? Here’s a patchwork of my inputs, and an attempt to bring the threads together… Thought … Continue reading

On Goodness and Colour

Dear big-hearted bold souls :) Hope this finds you happy and well, and that lovely balance of busy when you feel you’re accomplishing things, yet not getting unduly stressed about it and still have energy for yourself! Right now someone … Continue reading

Live Bold List 22: 6 Lessons from cats for humans, on sustainable living

Dearest sweetie-petals, I hope this finds you doing well utterly utterly famously. In these unsettled days of change, acceptance, softness, and huge full moons, I wondered if lessons learned from cats might be a good nurturing thing to consider… Live … Continue reading

Live Bold List 4: "Lessons learned in Lino illuminate Life"

Dear and wonderful, hearty and brave, Bold Beings – Greetings. These are my contemplations while I was printing the breast cancer lino blocks today. An extrapolatious philosophisation of activity! Live Bold List 4: Lessons learned in Lino illuminate Life In … Continue reading