If I had 100 books…

Do you ever read a book and think “…this message needs to be heard?”

This month, if I could have 100 copies of one or two books to give away or share – and thus get its message to 99 more people – I’d choose:

  1. JJ Virgin with her diet, not because I’m a diet person – quite the opposite! – but because the anti inflammatory information is so important. Let me know if you read it and if you tried it, how did you go?
  2. The Barefoot Investor by Scott Cape Pape [haha, must’ve been thinking about super heroes], because nobody gives you the jolly numbers! And he does. I haven’t followed everything he says, just taken what suits and made a start. And our money organising is improving all the time. Which I’m finding reassuring as I get older.


What book (or two) would you choose to share with 100 people? What’s been important to you (now or ever) or holds a uncommon yet human message? Let’s know in the comments or on Facebook

Talk soon,
Meg and Mr.Inky x o



PS If you’d like a free download of bookplates with my art on them, to put your name in your books, or a few different bookmarks, click this to join up for my Tangerine Treasury secret download library and mailing list! There are blog post round ups and very soon the new calendar coupon code, too. Mwah!

PS2 The photo at top illustrates: *Sorry, No Drinking the Paint Water*! [Lucky my space has a door for when I’m not there to put my hand over the jar!]SaveSave







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