Live Bold List 10: Personal Highlights of Boldness, 2009 (so far)

Hello dear friends, near and far, new and old,

Christmas is over, and the New Year is only days away. In summary of the almost-finished year, and in no particular order, I bring you Live Bold List 10: Personal Highlights of Boldness, 2009 (so far)

  1. Organised the plastic container cupboard – see? I told you ‘no particular order’!tidy_cupboard
  2. Was proposed to. Accepted the offer.
  3. Organised our wedding. This took more time than I thought, but in not much more than 3 months we made an authentically ‘us’, happy, friend and family filled day, with sunshine, laughter, music and fire. Had I mentioned I really wanted fire?
  4. Got married. Woohoo! Such a happy day :)
  5. Updated and improved my website with the help of the wonderful Rebecca Leigh. You’re looking at it!
  6. Travelled to tropical Borneo.
  7. Touched a baby elephant, andme_pat_baby_elephant
  8. Rode an adult elephant.me_riding_elephant
  9. Was bestowed with the “Spirit of Circus” award.
  10. Drove a truck, a big one! (That was today, we just moved the last of my husband’s furniture to our house)
  11. Started to teach my younger son to drive.
  12. Learned how to play on a Wii game thingy and played Beatles songs on a pressy-button guitar.
  13. Sponsored Goddess Leonie with the sponsorship box below, and…. tangerinemeg_125_Dec09
    ….made gorgeous new friends.
  14. Had an artwork stall at several market days.That’s me at a winter one, wearing one of my sunflower tshirts.
  15. Frequented the Growers Market (made a habit of it)
  16. Got back to riding my bike (and using the train) to my ‘go to’ work.
  17. Found a font made from wood block prints, and there were circus people.
    Used some of the pictures for our wedding invitations, and ‘Order of Service’ booklets.
  18. Started to plant an understorey of strawberries. A previously un-enunciated and un-attempted dream of mine. Started. Tick!
  19. Maintained my garden irrigation system, and the fruit trees did not die at all during the unseasonal November heatwave, even the new ones.
  20. Attended “Walk Against Warming” protesting against Global Warming, and signed a ton of online petitions.

Some of these achievements have spurred me on to do even more in the New Year. The next post, probably the last for the year, will be intentions for 2010.  Let me know in the Comments of your proud achievements this Solar Year.

Sweet, sweet breath be with you.
Tons of love,

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