Aussie election – vote tomorrow!

Hi Aussie bold souls!

Tomorrow’s federal election seems an important one, but I didn’t exactly know how and where to get good information. You too? … Here are a few sources of info:

Here are some places to garner information:

  1. Aussie journalist Sarah Wilson has done the current series of her podcast on This Wild Election << click through and scroll down to find the latest, or find her work wherever you get your podcasts. I’m listening in reverse order and the episodes are covering “Voting for climate”, “Voting for a First Nations Voice”, “What’s a Hung Parliament?”, “Who has the best policies for women”, and how to actually vote including how our system works, and more… Every vote counts at full value on the house of reps due to preferential voting. If you remember differently from earlier in life, that process got changed in 2017. We control our own preferences, at the federal level.
  2. How to vote for Climate at Climate 200 website. Including a page where you can easily find your your local independent climate action candidate.
  3. And, how to actually vote by The Juice Media. It’s do-able. [Hint: Don’t vote for the shit ones!]
  4. Osher Günsberg has done a great job interviewing independent MP candidates, too.

I thank them all for their work and sharing. If you hadn’t researched yet, I hope this helps find information to help you choose who you want to represent you based on your values. Every single one of our votes are important.

Next time I’ll be back with the next round of #100PicturesProject catch up… we’ll probably know by then [depending on how long any needed counting of preferences goes on for and how long I take to put up my next blog post!] who’s in the next Australian federal lower house Government and half the Senate.

Meanwhile, I’m early-bird-introducing my 2022 exhibition artworks to my mailing list peeps [join here] and you can get cards here.

Take care,
Meg of the Tangerine x o

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