Live Bold List 1: "Pay attention to the sky"

Hello fellow Mellow Yellows!

Today the dream becomes real!
My new series of lists manifests as little beginnings. Herewith the first, a new feature. A list of things to try or think about or do, to remind you (and me) about living lusciously, beautifully and boldly.


Live Bold List 1: The inaugural, “pay attention to the sky” edition

  1. Look out a window at the sky.
  2. If the temperature outside is comfortable, go outside.
  3. Breathe.
  4. Go back inside and do something else – Maybe organise the washing, or have a cup of tea.
  5. Go outside and look at the sky again. In what little or large ways has it changed?
  6. Peg up the washing. While you are pegging up the washing, look past the washing out at the sky. Breathe.
  7. Opt out of an activity or association that’s making you feel not right. That’s pretty big. You may want to work up to it! Think about how to do that in a clear, non-messy, minimal-repercussion-inducing way. Take your time!
  8. How might you move? Walk or run or skip or dance? Swing your arms around? Then breathe. Sigh.
  9. Eat well. Today I am going to make a really basic nourishing soup. And eat it with good bread. You know the kind that works for you.
  10. Create something. What do you like to make? A poem, a treasure hunt, a tiny doodle, a clean bathroom basin. It all counts.
  11. Tidy something up a little bit. A thought, a shelf, a relationship.
  12. Slow down and deliberately do nothing for a while, say a minute. Sometimes difficult, but worthwhile.
  13. Contact someone and tell them about how you like their essence or something they did. Phone calls and texts and emails and Facebook-messages are ok. Facebook Wall is ok used with discretion! Will get back to you about Twitter, haven’t ventured there yet!
  14. Find a way to visit a tipi. Stand in the centre and do a reach up/stabilise down yoga posture, like triangle pose. Feel grounded through your legs while you look out through the top at the sky. Breathe.
  15. Feel the sky feeling inside you. Open, wonderful, making the present the only.

Feel very free to take what rings true and ignore the rest. Let me know what you think in the comments section below or on my Visual Artist page on Facebook.

Thanks for being here, dear readers, I appreciate your visit.

[Later: By the way, there are still some of this Limited Edition Lino print available, go here to check out “Girl Welcoming Rain”.]

Boldly confessed

Dear bold beautiful bloggy buddies! Welcome!

My confession is this: I am not feeling very bold today! How can that be?
I have been getting the site nice and new, putting in a new tagline to acknowledge the art and soul boldness. Now that’s all done I get to write, and make pictures. Now the time has come I am in fact feeling a bit timid. So for now I guess I’ll just potter around here beneath the new banner and see how that feels.

Art stuff news: New art card designs! I previewed them yesterday at the Lets market, along with some of the new tshirts! I am so excited to be sharing new art!
The official launch is in about a fortnight at Goodwood Market in South Australian Living Artists (SALA) week.
I am uploading them and updating the card shop is as due haste as I can, too.

The first new picture I have for you in the blog is the Pears one.

How it came about: I was mesmerised by the 3 gorgeous colours of the fruit – nature tips its hat to traffic lights!? The composition is as if someone dropped them into an empty aquarium, or a clear squarish vase, and they fitted inside the clear walls. So not a true Still Life I don’t think, but an arrangement.

I will have this available as art cards. Do you think it would make a good t-shirt picture? (I am wary of women wearing it as a top getting comments about ‘nice pairs’.) Let me know what you think in the comments section below or on Facebook.

I am looking forward to the first of my new fortnightly features Live Bold Day list (I’m aiming for Tuesdays), so Live Bold Tuesday or Live Bold Weekday, if I get too random about the day!

Be great, be you,

Did Picasso like t-shirts?

Hello Darling readers!

I have a cool link for you, a visual quiz: “Can you pick the real Picasso? [sorry that quiz is no longer there, it was a good one, too!]” I got them all right, I am both proud and relieved to tell you! Let me know how you go in the comments section, or on my Tangerine Meg Facebook page.

Hooray! I have new t-shirts available on Red Bubble! Butterfly Garden, Goblet Still Life [not available] and Still Life with bee fabric  [not available] are now available as t-shirts. Time honoured favourites are still available as Ts too: Rainbow Lady and Rain Girl [not available].

Joining them is this new/old, bold but softly coloured, sunflower design print! You too can have a memento by means of the magic of Print on Demand at Red Bubble. It was made by either a reduction block or 2 blocks. Let me know if you can fathom which it was. That’s not a quiz by the way – I just can’t remember, doh!

Take care of yourselves, dear petals,

What to expect next

Greetings, Petals!

I hope you will bear with me during my site overhaul. Apologies if some of the writing is A BIT HUGE, or if some of the elements aren’t quite displaying consistently. Trained technicians will be dealing with this as soon as possible! And I am in the middle of changing the colours around too.

Great news! I am going to be doing a special regular “List” kind of feature, about every 2 weeks I’m guessing. It’s yet to be named, but will have tons of fun ideas – or is it tuns of fon ideas?  – for getting, noticing or keeping art, colour, and joy in your life. Let me know if you have thoughts on this in the comments section below.

I have been busy in a few arenas…. Now I have a “Page” on FaceBook. Here is my badge:
Tangerine Meg | Promote your Page too
Tangerine Meg

Last night I attended a dancing class. Step, step, step. Twirl, twirl, twirl. I admit I got a little bit dizzy. Maybe I do need to do the “log” and “egg” rolls during circus warm-up, to acclimatise myself to the motion.

Garden news: The blueberry plants have buds – potential berries, hooray! And with all the rain, the grass is just about taking over. Oranges are ripening on the tree – success! I hope it’s not too late to plant fruit trees, but I think the optimum time has passed. At the growers market I have been buying wonderful pistachio nuts, roasted, salted, and GROWN LOCALLY!

I am being a ScannerMonkey and organising scans of all the latest artwork, so New Stuff is not far away!

Take care,

Hambook, art and words, beat bad mood

Greetings oh wonderous ones,

I have a funny link for you, which will make more sense if you know a little of FaceBook. It’s as if the play Hamlet was recorded on FaceBook. Even if you only know a little of Hamlet, it is kinda cool.

Artwork awaits scanning, dearly beloveds, and awaits me revamping this very site! I am going to refresh word-based parts of the site with the help of Rebecca Leigh (freelance writer extraordinaire). As well as the 4 new lino pictures, I am considering offering serendipity card sets – mixed packs chosen by me, for those who find it hard to choose, but would like a stash of cards for the next few months. And some of the new stuff will be available as tshirts too. Lots of good thinking going on!

I shall leave you with another link that I have been meaning to give you for a while. It’s a blog post by Sonia Simone of Remarkable Communication, on how to beat a terrible horrible very bad mood in about an hour. I like it the way she describes a bad mood as burning up “…all your energy and (tying) up your mental bandwidth”. Sometimes it feels like that.

Take care,

Cool list link

Hi there dear Bloggwonders!

Just a short one today as I am doing behind the scenes work to get this site even a bit more renovated. Also doing way too much other stuff.

Here is a list of 75 ways to draw more by Michael Nobbs. It’s a good set, useful. Make (and take) those opportunities!

Soon, very soon, My Preciouses, I shall have freshly painted prints ready to show you.

Keep well,

Give a little bit

Dear readers, possibly animal-lovers,

I blogged last time about the University Library Cat who needs some help with fundraising for his medical needs.

If you feel to, you can donate on-line to Sandy the cat‘s health fund. The cards I donated have arrived alright and hopefully will be of use too. His is a much loved presence.

“So give a little heart,
And give a little time.
Give a little love,
Ooh, give a little bit tonight.”
– Supertramp

Exciting story lines to come….

I have done a chunk of lino printing. Allelujiah!! (I don’t know if that’s the usual spelling but you know what I mean right? elation, joy, etc)

I have not 1, not 2, not 3 but 4 (four) lino print stories, and prints, to share with you. I am pleased with the way they have turned out (crikey the printing press has a heckuva higher success rate than when using the dear old wooden spoon for a burnisher!), and scarily enough I have tons more ideas, waiting in the wings, eating fasty noodles and jostling to get manifested. Most exciting.

Heart Meg xo

Helping the New Zealand University library cat

Dear and fabulous ones,

Hope you are loving the new black, tangerinemeggified site!

I’m going to hit the ground running here (like a cat) and funnel this blog straight from my thought processes. (You have been warned!)

When I heard that a New Zealand University library cat was suffering (see save the library cat article) I realised that my cat design cards may be a nifty feline-themed way to assist with some fundraising. So on Monday morning I got to post Tangerine Meg Art Cards (cat designs) to  New Zealand. I love feeling like part of a caring, planet-wide community, an international neighbourhood. The web is good like that.


Welcome welcome welcome!


Here we are at the new place. I really hope you like it. There are a few more “boxes to unpack” but we have curtains (flowers) and a place to sit and write, and the things we need to do the basics (make cups of tea, wash our hands, etc) are all set up! Few tweaks still to do. Let me know what you think there, over to the right in the little Visitors Book.

See you again soon,