Nearly ready!

Greetings DearHearts!

I have been so busy making the new site nice. Can’t wait to invite you over. Just tidying up a little bit, and making sure the links work and things are in the right place. Super-turboed WordPress fun!

In the meantime, could those of you green-blooded like me please go sign the petition to stop the whale hunt?

We’re nearly nearly ready to shift house.

Take care,

Soup, and the best bicycle bell I have ever seen

Hello dear petals,

Autumn is fully here. More wonderful soaking rains have come. Woollen clothing is being released from summer zip-and-plastic captivity. And my food-thoughts have turned, as a girl’s thoughts in Autumn are wont, to soup. Warm and nourishing vegetable goodness, just the thing to take over from those fresh and cool salads.

Here’s a photo of some onion bulbs that I hadn’t realised were sitting half in and half out of my garden bed, they are left over from last year. They care not for my lack of organisation, they are busy and self-reliant with their own growing business. Fresh sproutingly good for them. You can see a bit of the brown drip irrigation hose across the foreground.

autumn sprouting

autumn sprouting

This is my new bicycle bell. It is the best bicycle bell I have ever seen. I wish you could hear it, too! “Beng-baong!” it chimes. I bought it locally but the website is It could be on a show If Fruit could Magically Become Other Objects, the segment would be the granny smith apple as a bell. Obviously!

a granny smith apple transmogrified into a bike accessory

my new bike accessory

I have made some personal progress at circus training this week:

  • I can, with spotting (help),  finally do a handstand to forward roll – back to standing. I am busting to join the “Random Handstands” group on Facebook, but am holding off til I can do one with no help AT ALL
  • Continuing to learn my Drop on the static trapeze, and I can get onto the trapeze by myself at last, and
  • today a small bit of progress with hand-walking. Body posture is the next key. Hooray!

And hooray! again I say, for sheer ragged persistence for a long long time. It does make me happy when perseverance (apparently in the face of logic and time) finally adds up and I can see a little increment of achievement.

Eat well, sleep well, be well,

Tuesday tidbits

Hello me livin’ Hearties!

Today a link to the gorgeous Goddess Leonie’s site is in order. I am very pleased to have a sponsorship button on Goddess Leonie’s beautiful site, which is called Goddess Guide Book. She had already put the link there when I woke up (after having sent the artwork/payment at 1 (one) am!). She is one fabulous and organised goddess!

Reality check
Today I played the part of “parent” at parent-teacher interviews. I think of myself as firm but fair, but have been told by one of the kids’ teachers (years ago) that I am in fact “…one degree to the right of marshmallow”. Self image needs adjusting!

And more excitement
Oh. My. God. It has been on the mental ToDo list for some time, putting my blog at my own domain name. I did it. Just now. Finalised. Next I will make it nice, with pretty curtains and cups of chai and then I will invite you all over!

Thank you so much for reading, and Take Care Fabulous Mortals,

The grass really is greener now

Hello Petals!

An extremely short post today in celebration of the new blades of grass that are sprouting in lawns, parks and paths in happy response to our recent rains. Things are starting to look green and hopeful.

If I want to be philosophical about it, I guess the grass is an example of waiting for the right moment, then going for it!

Go for it!

What was I thinking?

Hello Dear Ones,

How could I write a blog post (yesterday) listing the things I love, and not include making artwork?!

You can see card art at my Tangerine Meg art card shop or as original prints (like for framing for your own wall, or gifts for occasions such as weddings, special birthdays etc) at my Tangerine Meg etsy shop.

I am excited to also have new work in progress, including one I haven’t even mentioned or even scanned in the lino to show you yet.

Have fun,

The love lists of Megs

Dear bold and fabulous ones,

Meg Fowler had a list of things she loves on her blog post (apologies, no longer a live link) today. I thought “What a good and happy idea” and that I would join in with a love list, too. Hello other Meg! Other Meg is from Meg Fowler dot com (apologies, no longer a live link), so if you didn’t just come from there go check our her list. I’ll wait here.

Things I (Tangerine Meg) love (in no particular order):

My family and dear friends. Supportive and inspiring! Last year one friend got me this fantastic wool happy hat, and this year I found a scarf to match. And recently one has given me a handed down rainwater tank – wow, handy! Names have been changed omitted to protect the innocent. rainbow-hat

Circus Training including doing handstands and trapeze. This is a fledgling set of skills I am appreciating slowly acquiring for the first time as an adult.

This beautiful rain. The ground has been so thirsty. We humans are lucky and the ducks are happy again. It’s tough with not much water.

My garden. Growing, feeding me, being beautiful outside my windows. (There is a bit of grass growing between the lettuce and nasturtiums now that there is enough water being applied. The bottom photo is the herb tubs outside my kitchen window.) lettuce


Listening to Prem Rawat speak centres me like nothing else I know.

The local farmers market. Bringing locally grown produce together to offer us without using a lot of our planets energy to transport it from far away. I am happy to support them to feed my household and proud to wear my membership (discount!) card.

My gorgeous HeartFelt slippers [link removed, broken]. (If the website still says they are sold out, I suggest you email or phone as it apparently needs updating). They are made from Aussie felted wool. I adore them, they are fun and bright and warm, and they jingle gently when I walk. My previous disintegrating slippers have been finally retired. Shown here with my new woollen rainbow socks!


The first soup of the cold season. I made it today and ate with left over butter chicken. It is warming spicy pumpkin and borlotti bean.

The Monarto Zoo. Went to the “local” open range zoo last week. It was really great to see heaps of live animals relatively close up. Here is a shot of the back of me, looking out at a lioness. The lionesses were all edgy because it was a really windy day, and they approached the bus and we had to back up. Will do a seperate post with heaps more animal pics.

Me on the bus and the lioness outside the window

Me on the bus and the lioness outside the window

Many of the things I have chosen today seem to have a theme of keeping warm! I guess it shows the seasons are turning. I’m sure you noticed the rainbow/colourful thread too. That’s me being me. Hooray!

So enjoy your time on the internet, and make sure you keep time for other things too (just like I need to!) Got some planting to do now the soil is freshly rained upon.

Thanks for reading.
Take care,
(Tangerine) Meg


Rain drops. I am learning a DROP! Rockin' boat.

Hi there, happy humans!

Hope you are well and thriving. Just a short post today to keep in touch!

We got some beautiful rain! Hoorah! Hooray! The ponds at the park have gone from cracked desert bowls back to full watery ponds. And the ducks are back. I don’t know where they were, but I’m glad they’re back.

I am learning a “Drop” on the trapeze! SO excited! A drop is when you let go from one position and fall safely to another. 2 weeks ago it hadn’t crossed my mind that this could happen anytime soon.

If you can, go to the movie “The Boat that Rocked”. I went last night (late), and loved it. It’s M-rated and is made by Working Title Films. It’s a fun (with drama) romp through about a year of the 60s, when popular music was barely played on land based radio stations, and a big radio station ship was set up off-shore from Britain to play rock and pop music. Half the population of Britain would tune in. A good story with plenty of colour and laughs, a little nudity, a few swears, great performances, and really well edited and otherwise put together. Not to spoil but I was hanging on and with bated breath at the end. Music was of course fantastic.

See you soon,
Love Meg

Writing, gardening, berry-ing, art planning

Dear blog siblings,

Rebecca Leigh, the wonderful copywriter who wrote the text for my (Tangerine Meg Art Card shop) site has included my “pleased customer” comments on her updated site. I am chuffed!

Gardening update
Broccoli seedlings: happily settled in,
Strawberry Guava: happy,
Petunias: red (they really do seem to be the strongest colour) and happy, despite or because of being swamped with well-aged horse manure, and
Borage: happy. Hooray, happy not-dead plants!
I have also just installed some Chinese greens and mixed lettuce, some extra chives (we like them so much we need a couple of plants, and while I was at it I put in garlic ones too) and some perennial basil – yummy pesto here we come. I bought too much garlic to use just in cooking, so maybe I can plant some too. The annual basil that nearly died cos I took so long to get it from it’s little seedling pot to the ground and wasn’t too good at watering it either, has plucked up its basily courage and sprouted two new little leaves, so it will live! it will live! I gave Seasol and I believe that may have assisted.

I think my additions to the irrigation line to water everything helps, as well as my lovely washing rinse water. Take that, next years drought! (Hang on we are almost still in this years drought).

Next I am going to re-plant the old vegie patch into a fabulous patch of many kinds of berries. Yummy-doodles! I have just bought raspberry, 3 blueberry (Brigitta, Nellie Kelly and Sunshine Blue – haven’t they got nice names?), thornless youngberry (already know that grows well here) as well as jostaberries (a cross between blackcurrant and the gooseberry). I have again purchased kiwi fruit (1 male, 1 female) which is an act of optimism on my part, as the past 2 or 3 attempts have unfortunately resulted in kiwi fruit death by drought, sigh. The black- and rasp- berries that I already have by the metal fence get a bit cooked in summer, so I will see if I can make them a little more comfortable (and productive). Later I would love to have an understorey of strawberries.

I am busting to make some art. I have a few ideas scribbled onto old envelopes and some saved into a book. Some will be good lino prints, like  “TreeBeard” and others might be good done in Adobe “Illustrator” (ie. on the computer). Mum gave me a vintage cup and saucer, so that might make a good pen and ink drawing with beautiful watercolour colours.

Hope you are as well as well can be,

Thursday, thusly thoughtful. Linking for thinking.

Dear siblings of the bloggiverse!

I hope you are having a good week. Here is some lovely linky food for thought.

Don’t you think this crocheted reef project is a beautiful thing? Despite it’s resemblance to coral reef it doesn’t function so, of course. And we can’t make reef. It’s a wonderful artistic way to draw attention to the beauty and the plight. To remind us what we are lucky to have.

Another green link, to some Lights On/Lights Off Earth Hour photos. Starting from the 2nd one, you can click on each photo to see the before and during shots. Imagine how much energy we could conserve if we did this more frequently! Or dare I say it? …we turned off non-essential lighting a LOT of the time!

Days with my Father is a complete story/picture site. The pictures are large so you may have to adjust or scroll around with your browser. Touching and beautifully done, like a lovely book.

I just received in the post some georgeous adults felt slippers from HeartFelt. If you go check out the site you will see that she has slippers and other woolly things as well as sponsors kids in Nepal. I have just opened my parcel and these are officially my new Happy Slippers. I am wearing them for the sheer joy of it even though it is a warm day here!

I feel as though showing you these links is like the classic children’s party game: Pass the parcel. I find something cool on a blog or site I have looked at, and then I show you guys. You unwrap a layer and pass it on. We all get a little present.

Thanks for coming to my party!
Take care of yourself, and let’s take care of this place,

Family, garden, arty and greenness links

Beware my friends, some of the following links may have you downloading and/or fascinated for hours:

What a great list for new mothers! Just the things to offer when someone you know has a new baby.

The short web/tv shows made by Daryl Hannah about all sorts of interesting world-wide green goings on are at her site: DH LoveLife. Can’t stop watching these engaging episodes. The next for me to watch is the second gorilla one.

America’s First Lady Mrs. Obama is getting a “kitchen garden” going at the White House. The link is to an article with more details and some of the plants listed. What a lovely simple gesture that could be very powerful.

The illustrated blog ‘Tiny Art Director” was recommended by a lovely woman blogger who says she laughs so much at it that milk comes out of her nose. Tiny Art Director is pictures by an illustrator with the comments his young daughter makes.

In my garden I am newly finding benefits and odours of “Dynamic Lifter” (chook manure) and “Seasol” (Seaweed/soluble?) after a horticultural-trained visitor helped me with some rose pruning and information. The roses are now blooming crazily, and there are certain new smells apparent outside the laundry door where the herbs are.

I have fine tuned my irrigation system a little bit, too. I have new octi-fountain-drippers, and have blocked off some now-misplaced ones (which were wasting water). Also inherited a 1500l water tank which needs some good thinking as to placement and plumbing. Planted a cherry/strawberry guava tree (between the pair of peaches and the left orange). I love planting trees.

Thanks for reading, take care of you,